Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How to make your own website include domain name in 50 rupees only!

Did you ever wanted to have your own space on the internet? Where you could tell your friends to come read your posts, leave comments, discuss and more? Here's how you can get a yourself a website in just Rs. 50.
The first thing you need to set up your own website is a name for it, a domain name:
A domain name is an identification label that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority, or control on the Internet, based on the Domain Name System (DNS).
This where you have to spend your 50 Rs. no where else, You can get your domain name from godaddy, link below:

Once there, search for any name you want and in the drop down list of domain extensions which in default is (.com) select .info
That's it, along with your domain name you get an email address, a free web hosting account, blog account and a lot more!
Hosting at Godaddy:
The next step would be to decide whether to host your website on either godaddy or others.
There are many options here, you can select to host your website at the free 1gb Hosting that godaddy provides but there's a catch, there's always a catch with free things. When you use godaddy's free hosting, godaddy will add a advertisement on the top of your website, which doesn't really create a good impression.
You can get rid of this advertisement by using this method at hacktoria which involves inserting a small script after the html tag in your web code.

Blogger :
Another way would be to map your blogger blog to your domain, its a easy process of changing your Cname's and Aname's in the domain control center in godaddy. Don't get scared of these terms they're pretty easy once you get across them. See the whole procedure of setting your blogger blog here. You will get rid of the ".blogspot" in your blog after you do this, then put up a nice looking blogger template and you've got yourself a website. You can also get rid of the favicon and add your own custom image there, which i will be covering later.

Ad-free Hosing:

You can also host your website at any ad-free hosting services, i came across freehosting and i found it pretty good. They also provide mysql and php, necessary to install joomla/wordpress and many others.

Google Sites:
linking up your website with google sites is also another option, Google Sites is a free and easy way to create and share webpages. Linking it with your custom domain name, you will get rid of the "" extension.

I would recommend using Joomla ( Content Management System ) if you're thinking of creating project websites, Wordpress ( For personal websites/blog ).

So go ahead and get your name out there!


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